Summary of assests including airports, river ports, etc. for Henry County, TN
The Henry County Airport services Paris locally and is an all weather airport. The Airport has an instrument landing system and GPSapproach. It has a 5,001' runway that is 100' wide with high intensity lighting with P.A.P.I., R.E.I.L.'sand O.D.A.L.lights, all are pilot controlled 24 hours a day. The Henry County Airport also has an A.W.O.S.III automated weather system that broadcasts 24 hours a day to aircraft, and can also be called by telephone from anywhere. Aircharter for business and pleasure are available, flight instruction, aircraft rental and hanger rental are available. The Airport has aircraft jet fuel and aircraft 100 octane fuel available. Fuel is available after hours on a self-serve credit card system. The nearest commuter service is in Jackson, Tennessee and Paducah, Kentucky.Both are approximately 60 miles from Paris. The NashvilleMetropolitan Airport (115 miles) and Memphis International Airport (125 miles) offer flights to any destination.
Major Highways
Federal highways, U.S. 79 (4-lane) and U.S. 641, intersect in Paris with State Highways 76, 77, 69, and 54 to provide excellent transportation. Interstate 40 is approximately 40 miles south of Paris and Interstate 24 is 60 miles east. Highway 218 Bypass is now complete from U.S. 79, east of Paris to Highway 69 north of Paris.
Rail Services
Paris is served by the KWT Railroad (Kentucky West Tennessee)that interchanges with CSXTransportation at Bruceton, Tennessee. The line runs from Bruceton, Tennesseethrough Paris, to Murray, Kentucky and from Paris,Tennesseeto Henry, Tennessee.
Public School Systems
- Henry County Board of Education Central Office is located in the Grove Tower Building at 217 Grove Boulevard. The School System operated for K-8 elementary schools, a ninth grade campus and one high school with approximately 3200 student. The comprehensive guidance program on both campuses is developmental and based on assessedstudent needs. Special education services are available on both campuses. It also serves the educational needs of Henry County by offering services through Adult Education and the Henry County Family ResourceCenter. Phone 731-642-9711. Address: Grove Boulevard, Paris,TN 38242. The high school is located on two campuses. Eighth grade students from four county elementary schools and Paris Special School District fee into E.W. Grove, which is for ninth grade only. It is located within the Paris city limits with 28 teachers/administrators and offers courses to approximately 400students. Henry County High School is located within the Paris city limitson a 60 acre campus and has 67 teachers/administrators in grade 10 - 12 HCHC offers 130 courses for approximately 1,000 students. Phone: 731-642-5232. Address: 315 WilsonStreet, Paris, TN 38242.
- Paris Special School District serves approximately 1,500 students form preschool through eighth grade in three schools: Rhea Elementary School, grades K-2; Paris Elementary School, grades 3- 5; and Inman MiddleSchool, grades 6-8. Allschools are certified by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Each school is served by a registered nurse.
- Paris Elementary School and Civic Center is co-funded by Paris SSD and Paris city government. Students have access to an indoor pool, a 600 seat theater, and an extra large gymnasium. In addition to computer labs, the high tech schools have a media retrieval system with 32 inch monitors in every classroom enabling teachers to play videos from the school bank, tune in cable programming, or project presentations from their computers for a large display, and each grade has network coping machines for teachers to print directly formtheir computers. In 2006 all seventh graders at Inman Middle School were issued laptop computers as part of the PSSD continuing commitment to technology education.
Vocational-Technical schools and training centers
Tennessee Technology Center of Paris (TTCP) is governed by the Tennessee board of Regents. The mission of the Technology Center is to offer quality, professional, and technical education that will adequately meet the training needs of citizens and residents, including employees of existing and prospective industries and businesses of the region and state. The TICP is one of 27 technology centers located strategically across the state. The Technology Center of Paris offers 11 full time programs: Auto Body Repair, Computer Operations Technology, Surgical Technology, Cosmetology, Early Childhood Education, Business SystemsTechnology, Practical Nursing, Industrial Maintenance, Robotics, General Metals and MachineTool Technology. In addition to the full time programs, supplemental programs are offered in Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing, Phlebotomy, Medical Coding, Web PageDesign, Introduction to Computers, and Programmable Logic Controls. The Council of Occupation Education (COE)accredits the Technology Center of Paris. The center has federal financial aid available as well as Tennessee Lottery Scholarships. The Technology Center also has an articulation agreement with Jackson State Community College (JSCC). Astudentwho receivesa diploma from one of our programs can receive thirty (30) hours toward their Associateof Applied Sciencedegree. Jackson State Community College also offers many of their classesat TIC-Paris.
Tennessee Technology Center of Paris (TTCP) is governed by the The American economy is shifting from a manufacturing society to one that produces information and services. At the same time, automation is altering the way work is being performed. For people to move out of low paying jobs, as well as those that might become obsolete, further career training and retraining will be essential. The Technology Center is here to assist those seeking further training.
Education Activities
- Work with existing businesses and industrial firms to conduct programs that update teacher competencies.
- Provide skill upgrade training for employed persons wanting to keep pace with changing technology. Alignthe curriculum with immediate and future needs of employees.
- Work with local employers to provide cooperative education and/or internship opportunities for students.
- Conduct educational and cultural activities of interest to new and existing business and industrial firms.
- ProvideTrain the Trainer workshops, course planning, and curriculum development assistance for local business and industrial firms.
- Conduct customized training to meet the specific needs of local business and industrial firms through written agreements.
- Provide resources (facilities, staff, funds, equipment, etc.) to be used to establish a demonstration center for technology training.
- Conduct basic skills training programs for business and industrial firms.
- Conduct licensure and certification training for local employees.
- Conduct customized short courses and seminars for local employers.
- Conduct training programs for high-risk, targeted populations (e.g. displaced workers, welfare, rehabilitation clients, FamiliesFirst).
- Provide career and vocational counseling for students.
- Provide job placement services for students enrolled in the Technology Center.
- Provide pre-screening and skillassessment of potential employees for business.
Private Colleages
Presently under construction is a 45,000 sq foot structure which will house an outpatient diagnosticcenter for HenryCountyMedicalCenter and classroomspacefor BethelUniversity'sallied health courses and other programs. Paris, Henry County and Bethel willall benefit from a Universitypresence in Paris offering higher education programs. The parties involved in the development are the County of Henry, City of Paris, Henry County Medical Center and Bethel University. This joint structure willbe located on Joy Street directly across from Henry County MedicalCenter located on Tyson Avenue. Construction is due to be completed in 2012.
- Commercial Bank & Trust Deposits - $211 million
- FirstBank Deposits - $100 million
- Regions Bank Deposits -$54,000,000
- Foundation Bank (McKenzie Banking Co) Deposits - $29,278,292
- Security Bank Deposits - $76 Million
- Holley Credit Union Deposits - $28,000,000
State Parks
- Paris Landing State Park is located on 158,000 acre on Kentucky Lake, near Paris. It is one of the most modern and well developed recreational areas in the state. Its full service marina is the largest and most modern, serving everything from yachts to sailboats. An 18-hole golf course and pro shop are among the many facilities, which include a 100 room inn, dining room, two swimming pools, 80 camp sites, picnicking areas, hiking trails, lighted tennis courts and outdoor game area. Kentucky Lake offers excellent fishing,water skiing,sailingand power boating. Land-Between-the-Lakes, a National Outdoor Recreation and Conservation Development, is located just 20 miles from Paris. The park offers boating, hiking, hunting and camping, is considered a major wildlife area.
- Camp Hazelwood ECO(Every Child Outdoors) Center is managed by ParisLandingStateParkbut doesnot adjoin it. It is 300 acres on Kentucky Lake adjoining the TN National Wildlife Refuge and was formerly a primitive Girl Scout Camp. Camp Hazelwoodis presently in the development stage. The Center will increase the capacity of families in Tennesseeand elsewhere to engage in outdoor recreation with their children and ultimately shape their appreciation of and concern for nature. The goals are for the center to be a national demonstration and training site for ECOfacilities and programs. Promote and support outdoor recreation education and experiences that will create opportunities for children to engage with and actively experience nature. Camp Hazelwoodfacilities include a dining hall, meeting room with staff lodging attached, 3 primitive camping areas each with tent platforms, small pavilion and restroom, large separate pavilion, beach area, play fields, 2 tennis courts, and a manager's house.
Recreation area
- Land-Between-the-Lakes,a National Outdoor Recreation and Conservation Development, is located just 20 miles from Paris. park offers boating, hiking, hunting and camping, is considered a major wildlife area. . The city haseight excellentparksand playgroundfacilities. Included in these parks are two T-Ball fields, two Little League fields, two large baseball Babe Ruth fields, two full size softball parks, one all purpose park, six full size soccer fields, and seven tennis courts. Paris is also home to the Paris Civic Center which features a 3450 square foot indoor pool, a 6192 square foot gymnasium, weight/fitness/aerobic rooms, and meeting rooms. . The Krider Performing Arts Center is the crown jewel of the Paris Civic Center. Containing 600 seats, KPACoffers a green room, storage for sets, a climatized piano room, dressing rooms, an adjoining orchestra pit. KPACis designed to meet the sophisticated demands of touring production companies as well as local needs.
- Located in Paris is a city pool, a sixplex movie theater, a skating rink, a bowling alley, and Paris Country Club, offering a swimming pool and a golf course. The Tennessean GolfClub, an 18 hole par 72 golf course that features winding creeks, deep gulches, rock ledges, and sharp elevation changes, towering pines and old growth hardwoods frame each hole. GolfDigest Magazine ranked the Tennessean as the 7th "Best new affordable public course" for the year 2000. Designed by Keith Foster, this course is considered one of the best in the State of Tennessee.
Lakes, Rivers
Paris-HenryCounty is located on Kentucky Lake, a major navigable reservoir along the Tennessee River. Kentucky Lake is one of the largest man-made lakes in the world; it runs 184 miles and contains over 160,000 acres of water.
Telecom Providers
Paris-Henry County has full digital telecommunications capabilities and toll-free country wide calling. Four franchised local telephone service providers serve Henry County: AT&T, Charter Communications, Peoples Telephone Company and West KentuckyRuralTelephone Cooperative. AT&Toffers a variety of services in Paris-HenryCounty including primary rate ISDN(Integrated Services DigitalNetwork) Service, Digital subscriber line (DSL),broadband technology that provides highspeed Internet access and fast downloads and email, advanced telephone features, including: anonymous call blocking, personalized ring and selective call forwarding, call return, call waiting, repeat dialing, speed dialing, three-way calling,AT&T privacy manager service, and memory call. Other features include long distance companies with local Point of Presence (POPs)and local exchange fiber optic cable. Charter Communications offers residential local and long distance service with up to 10 calling features. An enhanced 911 system is in operation in Henry County.
Hospital and Specialty Clinics
The Henry County MedicalCenter (HCMC)is a progressive, integrated healthcare organization committed to serving the healthcare needs of Henry County and the adjourning region. Comprisedof a 142 bed hospital, 174 bed Henry County Healthcare Center (providing residential care and the Plumley Rehabilitation Unit), an Emergency MedicalService, and a home health and hospice service. The Medical Center provides a variety of outpatient services as well as inpatient care, and serves Henry and the surrounding counties. The Cancer Care Center of Henry County offers outpatient radiation and chemotherapy. The MedicalCenter is the largest hospital in West Tennessee outside of Jacksonand Memphis._TheMedicalCenter supports a medical staff of 45 in a wide range of specialties, including: Internal Medicine, Family Practice, General Surgery, Orthopedics, ENT,OB-GYN,Ophthalmology, Urology, Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Pulmonology, Oncology and Podiatry. Specialty patient care units within the hospital include pediatric, maternal/newborn, critical care, outpatient surgery and psychiatric.
Chamber/Economic Development Corporation
The Paris/Henry County EconomicDevelopment Corporation is a private, non-profit co-operative effort between the City of Paris Henry County, and the Chamber of Commercecharged with the responsibility of fostering the economic development of Henry County. Henry County and the City of Paris will offer aggressive PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) programs to qualified industries. Additional incentives based on job creation and retention will be developed on a case by case basis. Paris is a growing city with a four-phased economy of agriculture, tourism, industry and retail trade. It is a livestock center where emphasis is placed on beef, hogs and dairy production. The primary agricultural products are corn, soybeans, wheat and tobacco. Industry is a major factor in the growth of Paris. Principal industrial products are: extruded molded rubber, school laboratory furniture, molded plastics, brakes, small electric motors and compressors for refrigeration equipment. Our labor market population within 25 miles of Paris, which is normal commuting distance in West Tennessee, is estimated at 67,000 persons. Henry County has approximately 230 high school graduates each year and 30% of these are estimated to enter the labor force. In the Paris area, the labor supply is 97.3% indigenous. Approximately 20% of the supply is skilled and 60% semi-skilled. All of Henry County's planned growth area is available for public sewer. Paris-HenryCounty recently received their 26th Governor's Three Star Award for Community Economic Preparedness.